접선에 접근하는 할선들(Secant lines approaching the tangent line)
[Geogebra Tube]
순간속도와 평균속도(The instantaneous velocity and average velovity)
[Geogebra Tube]
$a$ 에서 함수 $f$의 미분(The derivative of a function $f$ at a number $a$)
평균 변화율과 순간 변화율(The average rate of change and the instantaneous rate of change)
함수 $f$ 의 미분(The derivative of $f$)
$\exists f'(a) \Rightarrow\displaystyle\lim_{x \rightarrow a}{f(x)}=f(a)$
고차미분(Higher Derivatives)
미분공식표(Table of Differential Formulas)
삼각함수(Trigonometric Function)[고유주소]
$\theta < \tan \theta \ (0<\theta<\frac{\pi}{2})$
[Geogebra Tube]
$\displaystyle \lim_{\theta \rightarrow 0} \frac{\sin\theta}{\theta}=1$
[Geogebra Tube]
$\displaystyle\frac{d}{dx}(\sin x)=\cos x$
연쇄법칙(The Chain Rule)